北京举贤人才集团 Invites you to participate in HICOOL 2024 Global Entrepreneurship Competition

Competition Agenda:2024/01 - 2024/08

Global Entrepreneurship Competition

HICOOL Global Entrepreneur Summit and Entrepreneurship Competition was born for Entrepreneurs. It aims to build a multi-level, multi-dimensional and diversified international entrepreneurial model, seeking for high-quality startups worldwide, facilitating entrepreneurs to grow and expand their business in Beijing. The competition invites top investors, famous mentors and leading entrepreneurs to provide all-round entrepreneurial guidance and acceleration, to continuously empower entrepreneurs in Beijing by providing a full range of "Beijing Services" such as talent settlement, children's education, healthcare, designated apartments, etc.
The HICOOL 2024 Global Entrepreneur Summit and Entrepreneurship Competition will be held from January to August 2024. The Competition will set up 7 major registration areas worldwide. There are 140 awards for the startups and 28 Talent Scout Awards for talent scouts with a total amount of CNY 100 million for awarding.


举贤专注人才行业 15 年,为客户提供全周期人才价值赋能服务,包括高端猎头、人事外包、高端论坛、人才培训、人才战略咨询和人才投资等。举贤积累高端人才数据 700 万,服务各地政府、军队、国际化企业等各类重要客户超5000家,覆盖科技创新、全球金融、生物医药、智能制造、火箭与量子科技等全品类行业,取得 25 项软件著作权专利,是国家级高新技术企业,荣获北京市“科技创新奖”,荣获“京人奖--人力资源服务品牌 50 强,猎头品牌 10 强”,荣获“2022 亚太人力资源服务奖--最具影响力猎头机构奖”,具有完备的人力资源行业领域各类专项执照。
举贤开创国内政府猎头先河,与多地政府进行深度合作。曾为北京市政府引进数位海外高层次人才担任厅局级干部;为北京市委统战部人才发展十年规划的中期评估项目提供专业咨询服务;为中国生物引进药物警戒海外高层次人才,助力国家疫苗出口;为北京市三甲医院引进多位学科带头人;着力支持地方高层次人才引进,为广西省一次性引进 238 位博士;举贤是 HICOOL 的发起人之一,为HICOOL提供了种子团队和天使投资,目前HICOOL已经成为北京市建立“高水平人才创新高地”的重要抓手。此外,举贤人才集团作为著名电视求职节目《非你莫属》常驻企业,持续推广人才服务行业影响力。